Village of Franklin 8 July, 2024 A. Call Meeting to Order B. Citizen Comments or Questions (Limited to 5 minutes) C. Acceptance of Treasurer's Report D. Acceptance of Bills Paid and to be Paid E. Approval of all Meeting Minutes F. Committee Reports Utility Supervisor Report Fairless* Buildings, Roads, and Drainage Marcel* Fix Sidewalks in the Park and Add New Finance/Payroll Whalen* Insurance Carter* August Set Up for Bids for Village Insurance Personnel Adkins* Utility Reconnect Flynn* Utilities Smith* Use a Flat Rate for Gas Business G. Old Business Burned Property Update - July Purchase Update Wires from Old Cable Company Removal Sidewalk from Osage to Rt 104 - Add Square Jake Braking - Working with County Board Computer/Time Clock H. New Business Basketball Backboards for Park Get Bids for Reseal of Basketball Court in Park Panhandle Municipal Defense Group Update Memorial Plaque in the Park I. Adjourn